Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I love blogging but, I never have time :) BrieAnn and I had a funny conversation this morning so I thought I would share real quick. It still makes me giggle.

So we were getting ready for preschool and I asked BrieAnn if she wanted some yogurt and she said yes so I grabbed it and looked at the top the expiration was 3/26/08 a little old :) so I said sorry it is expired and I threw it in the garbage. not thinking anything of it.

BrieAnn opened the garbage and said I want to see the spiders. I just started to laugh and said no it expired it is bad. So she still didnt quite get it and thought the yogurt had spiders so we opened a few and to see the spiders and we talked about the expiration date and calendar and grocery shopping and eating things before they go bad. so I thought she got it.

then in the car driving to preschool she told me she wouldnt eat spiders because they would make her sick. :) I just said yup don't eat spiders.

So don't eat stuff that has expired (spiders)!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Easter FUN

Lissel made a cute page of our girls and I thought I would share it on our blog :)